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TimurNN 08.01.2017 13:47


Сообщение от Just Another One (Сообщение 632150)
В технические? А список литературы настоящий что ли? :D

В технические


Just Another One 08.01.2017 13:48


Сообщение от TimurNN (Сообщение 632152)

В смысле из того самого Корчевателя? Или сами сочинили аналогичное?

TimurNN 08.01.2017 13:53


Сообщение от Just Another One (Сообщение 632153)
В смысле из того самого Корчевателя? Или сами сочинили аналогичное?

Сделан по аналогии. Ещё пару сделать?

Добавлено через 3 минуты
Dava Gele
Phd Student
Tibet Technical University

On the Emulation of Web Services


DHCP and Scheme, while confirmed in theory, have not until recently been considered extensive. Given the current status of interactive communication, scholars predictably desire the understanding of fiber-optic cables. Here we show that though I/O automata can be made ubiquitous, efficient, and read-write, red-black trees and the transistor are usually incompatible.


[1] Bose, O. A case for the Internet. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Certifiable Epistemologies (Oct. 2002).
[2] Floyd, S. Investigating sensor networks using decentralized configurations. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Collaborative Algorithms (Dec. 2004).
[3] Gayson, M. Decoupling reinforcement learning from hierarchical databases in forward- error correction. In Proceedings of JAIR (June 1999).
[4] Hamming, R., and Raman, D. Scatter/gather I/O considered harmful. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Peer-to-Peer Technology (Oct. 2000).
[5] Iverson, K., Raman, L., and Bhabha, Y. Contrasting DHCP and checksums with Sinch. TOCS 8 (Mar. 2004), 154-198.
[6] Kubiatowicz, J. Linear-time, metamorphic modalities for checksums. In Proceedings of WMSCI (Nov. 1999).
[7] Lakshminarayanan, K., Stallman, R., and Adleman, L. Analyzing XML and extreme programming using RexThionol. In Proceedings of WMSCI (July 2003).
[8] Lee, H., Smith, J., Dahl, O., Sato, I., and Zheng, P. Xylol: Virtual algorithms. Journal of Client-Server, Metamorphic Technology 32 (Nov. 2005), 42-53.
[9] Miller, O. Comparing Web services and cache coherence. In Proceedings of FOCS (Apr. 2003).
[10] Milner, R., Suzuki, K., and Johnson, L. R. ESKIMO: Refinement of suffix trees. NTT Technical Review 11 (May 1999), 49-58.
[11] Moore, X., Anderson, W., Wilson, P. Q., and Johnson, Z. Hash tables no longer considered harmful. Journal of Decentralized, Constant-Time Technology 97 (Aug. 2005), 20-24.
[12] Newton, I., and Nygaard, K. Decoupling the partition table from the lookaside buffer in the memory bus. In Proceedings of WMSCI (Feb. 1992).
[13] Ramasubramanian, V., and Bhabha, M. Exploring hierarchical databases and von Neumann machines. Journal of Certifiable Communication 50 (Oct. 2000), 151-193.
[14] Tanenbaum, A., Bhabha, P. Z., ErdÖS, P., and Wirth, N. Wyla: Construction of forward-error correction. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic, Multimodal, "Fuzzy" Modalities (Apr. 2004).
[15] Taylor, V., Gupta, R., Einstein, A., Sato, G., Shenker, S., and Newton, I. Emulating IPv6 using secure technology. In Proceedings of SOSP (Apr. 1998).
[16] Taylor, Y., Tarjan, R., Zhao, L., Abiteboul, S., Smith, J., Thompson, G., and Ritchie, D. Synthesizing access points and local-area networks. In Proceedings of NSDI (May 2002).
[17] Thomas, S. a. Decoupling flip-flop gates from reinforcement learning in the memory bus. Journal of Omniscient Symmetries 77 (Jan. 1991), 54-61.
[18] Wilkinson, J. Contrasting interrupts and vacuum tubes with REW. In Proceedings of PLDI (July 1999).
[19] Williams, W. Decoupling DNS from access points in fiber-optic cables. In Proceedings of SOSP (Oct. 2002).
[20] Zhou, E., and Sun, M. Decoupling randomized algorithms from public-private key pairs in the partition table. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Linear-Time, Amphibious Theory (Feb. 2003).

Just Another One 08.01.2017 13:53


Сообщение от TimurNN (Сообщение 632154)
Сделан по аналогии.

Шустро вы :)


Сообщение от TimurNN (Сообщение 632154)
Ещё пару сделать?

Давайте. Только я не различаю тех. и физмат., поэтому пишите, что куда ставить.

TimurNN 08.01.2017 13:54

On the Emulation of Web Services - технауки

Just Another One 08.01.2017 13:57


Сообщение от TimurNN (Сообщение 632157)

Спасибо, добавил.

kravets 08.01.2017 13:58


Сообщение от TimurNN (Сообщение 632147)
Voice-over-IP and local-area networks, while appropriate in theory, have not until recently been considered private. After years of key research into erasure coding, we validate the construction of the Turing machine. Even though it might seem perverse, it fell in line with our expectations. In this position paper we use relational symmetries to demonstrate that the well-known "fuzzy" algorithm for the analysis of the UNIVAC computer by Robinson and Raman runs in Θ(logn) time.

Юмора не ощущаю...

Добавлено через 52 секунды

Сообщение от TimurNN (Сообщение 632154)
DHCP and Scheme, while confirmed in theory, have not until recently been considered extensive. Given the current status of interactive communication, scholars predictably desire the understanding of fiber-optic cables. Here we show that though I/O automata can be made ubiquitous, efficient, and read-write, red-black trees and the transistor are usually incompatible.

Аналогично. Кроме разве что транзистора.

TimurNN 08.01.2017 14:00


Sidorov P.K.
chief technician, Moscow teleport company (Korolev, Russia)
Ashun S.
Iranian nuclear reactor (Tegeran-15, Iran)

Deconstructing the Location-Identity Split


The analysis of DHCP is an appropriate problem. In this position paper, we argue the improvement of web browsers, which embodies the key principles of programming languages. In this work, we argue not only that hash tables can be made compact, "smart", and self-learning, but that the same is true for SCSI disks. This is an important point to understand.

[1] J. Hopcroft, L. Smith, R. Thompson, R. Stearns, S. Cook, F. Wu, A. Yao, T. K. Zhou, and L. Watanabe, "A methodology for the improvement of expert systems," Journal of Lossless, Cacheable, Omniscient Information, vol. 48, pp. 59-69, July 2003.
[2] H. Simon and G. Maruyama, "Deconstructing DHCP with TOGS," in Proceedings of ECOOP, Nov. 1999.
[3] C. Leiserson and J. Gray, "A methodology for the emulation of cache coherence," Journal of Interposable Theory, vol. 872, pp. 1-11, June 2005.
[4] M. Garey, "An investigation of link-level acknowledgements using TOMBAC," in Proceedings of PODS, June 1997.
[5] H. Taylor, "Visualizing massive multiplayer online role-playing games using self- learning symmetries," Journal of Atomic, Read-Write Communication, vol. 45, pp. 1-16, Dec. 2000.
[6] H. Levy and H. Garcia-Molina, "The relationship between the UNIVAC computer and web browsers using DOT," Intel Research, Tech. Rep. 2559-793-46, Aug. 2003.
[7] T. Leary and C. Bachman, "Distributed, secure algorithms for Smalltalk," UCSD, Tech. Rep. 931-9912-498, Mar. 1993.
[8] D. Kumar, "Internet QoS considered harmful," Journal of Atomic, Atomic Communication, vol. 47, pp. 78-94, Dec. 2003.
[9] E. Johnson, F. White, R. Tarjan, S. Abiteboul, I. Zheng, M. Minsky, S. Cook, M. Takahashi, J. Gray, and K. Martinez, "Contrasting Lamport clocks and e-commerce using turbo," Journal of Concurrent, "Fuzzy" Models, vol. 83, pp. 152-192, May 2005.
[10] N. H. Martinez, R. Hamming, D. Estrin, N. Narayanaswamy, J. McCarthy, and Q. Wang, "Emulating extreme programming using semantic models," in Proceedings of VLDB, Dec. 1986.
[11] B. Robinson, "Interrupts considered harmful," in Proceedings of INFOCOM, July 1998.
[12] N. Chomsky, "The impact of game-theoretic technology on machine learning," Journal of Concurrent, Modular Configurations, vol. 3, pp. 50-61, Oct. 2004.
[13] J. Hopcroft, J. McCarthy, and V. Kumar, "Decoupling local-area networks from linked lists in I/O automata," in Proceedings of SOSP, June 1999.
[14] A. Einstein, "Adaptive, psychoacoustic configurations for thin clients," Journal of Event-Driven, Modular Symmetries, vol. 1, pp. 76-88, Mar. 1994.
[15] R. Milner, O. Taylor, A. S., and A. Tanenbaum, "A case for agents," Journal of Wireless, Relational Information, vol. 18, pp. 59-61, Sept. 1994.
[16] R. Reddy, "Towards the analysis of write-back caches," in Proceedings of the Conference on Self-Learning, Amphibious Symmetries, July 1992.
[17] D. Clark, W. Takahashi, M. V. Wilkes, V. Jacobson, J. Kobayashi, and C. A. R. Hoare, "JCL: Emulation of Lamport clocks," Journal of Introspective, Probabilistic Symmetries, vol. 555, pp. 20-24, Sept. 1992.
[18] L. Lamport and D. S. Scott, "Evaluation of semaphores," in Proceedings of the Conference on Unstable, Pseudorandom Technology, Mar. 2000.
[19] I. J. Qian, "Contrasting e-commerce and the Ethernet with URARE," in Proceedings of the Symposium on Cooperative, Authenticated Archetypes, Sept. 1997.
[20] S. Abiteboul, "A case for information retrieval systems," Journal of Random, Random Configurations, vol. 28, pp. 80-103, Nov. 1995.
[21] Z. Maruyama, "E-commerce considered harmful," Journal of Knowledge-Based Modalities, vol. 19, pp. 154-196, Apr. 2005.
[22] D. Ritchie, A. Perlis, and D. Ritchie, "Comparing evolutionary programming and massive multiplayer online role- playing games using SonnishEos," in Proceedings of the Conference on Knowledge-Based, Game-Theoretic Symmetries, Apr. 2002.
[23] Q. Miller, V. Zhou, M. Lakshminarasimhan, and M. Martin, "The impact of extensible models on operating systems," NTT Technical Review, vol. 141, pp. 20-24, Apr. 2002.
[24] S. Shenker, "IPv6 considered harmful," in Proceedings of SIGGRAPH, Dec. 2005.
[25] S. P.K., Q. Vishwanathan, and A. S., "Web services considered harmful," in Proceedings of SOSP, June 2005.
[26] L. Subramanian, "Simulating the memory bus using distributed models," NTT Technical Review, vol. 0, pp. 54-63, Jan. 2001.
[27] R. Floyd, "Harnessing e-commerce using authenticated configurations," UT Austin, Tech. Rep. 186-61, Aug. 1992.
[28] C. Taylor, "Emulating web browsers using wearable algorithms," in Proceedings of NOSSDAV, Oct. 2001.
[29] S. Garcia, X. Robinson, L. Zheng, and J. Kumar, "A case for superpages," in Proceedings of PODC, Mar. 2003.
[30] C. Watanabe, R. I. Qian, and R. Karp, "The effect of wearable configurations on randomly mutually exclusive electrical engineering," in Proceedings of the Conference on Client-Server Information, Oct. 2000.
[31] H. Garcia-Molina, U. Li, J. Hennessy, D. Martin, and E. Codd, "Emulating forward-error correction using low-energy epistemologies," Journal of Automated Reasoning, vol. 1, pp. 78-87, Nov. 1996.
[32] P. ErdÖS, Y. Thompson, a. Lee, V. Martin, J. Ito, I. Newton, and G. Rahul, "Decoupling flip-flop gates from symmetric encryption in the location- identity split," Journal of Game-Theoretic, Bayesian Archetypes, vol. 1, pp. 57-61, Oct. 1992.
[33] R. Milner, S. Hawking, X. Zheng, and K. Nygaard, "Comparing operating systems and Voice-over-IP," in Proceedings of HPCA, Dec. 1998.
[34] U. Garcia, B. Kobayashi, S. P.K., K. Taylor, and E. Clarke, "Deconstructing thin clients with Rhizoma," in Proceedings of SIGCOMM, Dec. 2001.
[35] R. Milner, "Synthesizing congestion control using robust models," in Proceedings of the Symposium on Read-Write, Omniscient Communication, Dec. 2000.
[36] D. Estrin and D. Estrin, "Emulating sensor networks and massive multiplayer online role- playing games," in Proceedings of SIGCOMM, Aug. 2005.
[37] P. Nehru, R. Tarjan, A. Yao, R. Milner, and K. Thompson, "Autonomous, constant-time theory for the UNIVAC computer," IEEE JSAC, vol. 7, pp. 20-24, Apr. 2001.
[38] A. S., M. Raman, and N. Wirth, "Virtual machines considered harmful," UCSD, Tech. Rep. 599/4104, Mar. 2003.

Just Another One 08.01.2017 14:09


Сообщение от TimurNN (Сообщение 632161)
Sidorov P.K.
chief technician, Moscow teleport company (Korolev, Russia)
Ashun S.
Iranian nuclear reactor (Tegeran-15, Iran)
Deconstructing the Location-Identity Split

Принято ;)

прохожий 08.01.2017 14:12

ну это неинтересно - штамповка ... эксклюзив пропадает и шарм ...

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