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Старый 22.01.2003, 01:24   #1
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Новости о грантах. Объявления и информацияНовости о конкурсах и олимпиадах
http://www.rsci.ru/grants.html; http://www.mrsu.ru/ru/sci/grant/; http://www.vsekonkursy.ruhttp://www.mrsu.ru/ru/sci/konkurs/; http://www.mrsu.ru/ru/sci/olymp/
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http://www.academicjobseu.com; http://www.academiccareers.comhttp://scholarship-positions.com/
http://ec.europa.eu/eures/home.jsp?lang=en; http://www.postdocjobs.com/http://brightrecruits.com/tiptop/
http://www.eracareers.pt/search/inde...k=search&idc=1; http://alfa.fct.mctes.pt/apoios/bolsas/concursos/

Конкурс проектов по ФЦП "Исследования и разработки по приоритетным направлениям развития научно-технологического комплекса России на 2014-2020 гг."
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Последний раз редактировалось watteau; 08.01.2015 в 19:59.
revinski вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 13.08.2012, 16:05   #211
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
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Two Marie Curie PhD Positions at Institute of Complex Systems, Italy
Two fully funded PhD fellowships (Early Stage Researcher) in Computational Neuroscience

1. Emergence of collective dynamics in scale-free neuronal networks (ESR14)

2. Measures of spike train synchrony (ESR15)

within the Marie Curie Initial Training Network - ‘Neural Engineering Transformative Technologies’ (NETT) at the Institute of Complex Systems (ISC), CNR, Florence, Italy.

Gross Salary per annum: 42,028 € (Living Allowance) plus 9,290- 13,272 € (Mobility Allowance) depending on circumstances

Required titles: MSc in Physics, Mathematics or Engineering obtained after september, 01, 2008

Applications: The applications should be prepared and sent exactly as detailed here

Closing date for both positions: 14 September 2012

Applications are invited for the above posts to work with Dr Alessandro Torcini and Dr Thomas Kreuz in the Computational neuroscience group at ISC, Florence. This world leading group combines theoretical investigations (e.g., on nontrivial collective phenomena in neuronal populations) with practical applications (e.g., spike train analysis). The group is one of the main participants in the Center for the Study of Complex Dynamics (CSDC) created with the purpose of coordinating interdisciplinary training and research activities. CSDC researchers include physicists, control engineers, mathematicians, biologists and psychologists. Both full-time posts are available from 01 January 2013 and will be offered on a fixed-term contract for a period of 36 months.

The two successful candidates will register for a 3 year PhD degree at the University of Florence in Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication (Course on Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Systems). Candidates must be in the first 4 years of their research careers and not been awarded a doctorate degree. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in mathematical and computational neuroscience. As part of our commitment to promoting diversity we encourage applications from women. To comply with the Marie Curie Actions rule for mobility applicants must not have resided, worked or studied in Italy for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to Sept 2012. The fellowships will include international internships so the candidates must be able to move between countries as necessary.

1. Marie Curie Actions Early Stage Researcher (PhD fellowship)

Emergence of collective dynamics in scale-free neuronal networks


The successful candidate will work within the framework of nonlinear dynamics and computational neuroscience. His/her main task will be the study of the macroscopic and microscopic evolution of neural networks with various topologies. In particular, he/she should analyze the robustness of collective solutions in presence of an external feedback. One of the main tasks will be the development of efficient numerical codes to simulate the networks' dynamics and to develop tools to analyze their macroscopic properties. This fellowship includes a three-month secondment working with either Prof Stephen Coombes at the School of Mathematical Sciences in Nottingham, UK, or Prof Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo in the Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain. It also includes a three-month internship with the project industrial partner, bioPmed in Piemonte near Turin, Italy.

The candidates should have a strong background in at least one of the following fields: nonlinear dynamics, statistical physics or computational neuroscience as well as solid experience in scientific programming (with languages Fortran and/or C).

Informal enquiries should be addressed to Dr Alessandro Torcini (alessandro.torcini@cnr.it).

2. Marie Curie Actions Early Stage Researcher (PhD fellowship)

Spike train analysis from neuronal networks


The successful candidate will work within the framework of computational neuroscience and signal processing. His/her main task will be the analysis of electrophysiological data, in particular recordings of single- and multi-unit spike trains as well as local field potentials and EEG all of which will be provided by the international partner institutions. One of the principal objectives will be the improvement of methods to estimate spike train synchrony and in particular the development and extension of a Matlab toolbox for spike train analysis. Furthermore, the candidate will help to adapt other nonlinear time series analysis tools to the specific needs of the collaborating nodes in the Netherlands, France, Portugal, Spain, and the UK. This fellowship includes a three-month secondment to either Dr Simon Schultz in the Department of Bioengineering at Imperial College London, UK or Prof. Bert Kappen at the Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands. It also includes a three-month internship in the third year with the project industrial partner, bioPmed in Piemonte near Turin, Italy.

The candidate should have a strong background in computational neuroscience and data analysis as well as solid experience in programming (Matlab).

Informal enquiries should be addressed to Dr Thomas Kreuz (thomas.kreuz@cnr.it).

Due to the requirements of the Italian Immigration Agency, applicants who are not EEA nationals and whose immigration status entitles them to work without restriction in Italy will be considered on an equal basis with EEA nationals. Other non-EEA nationals whose employment will require permission to work subject to a resident labour market test may only be considered if there are no suitable EEA national candidates for the post.

Please visit http://www.esteri.it/visti/index_eng.asp for more information.

In order to apply please follow exactly the detailed indications provided here

Дедлайн 14 сентября 2012
watteau вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 13.08.2012, 16:11   #212
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
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Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

The Killam Scholarship and Prize Programmes were established in memory of Izaak Walton Killam through the Will of his wife, Dorothy Johnston Killam, and through gifts made during her lifetime. Their primary purpose is to support advanced education and research at five Canadian universities and the Canada Council for the Arts.

The UBC Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellowships are provided annually from the Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund for Advanced Studies and are available for most fields of research. The fellowships are awarded for a maximum of two years, subject to review at the end of the first year. The number of awards presently varies between three and five per year.

It was Mrs. Killam's desire that those selected to receive fellowships: "Be likely to contribute to the advancement of learning or to win distinction in a profession. A Killam scholar should not be a one-sided person... Special distinction of intellect should be founded upon sound character."

Please note that the applicant's eligibility criteria have been updated for the 2013-14 competition.

Annual Value:
Annual stipend of $50,000 plus a travel and research allowance of $4,000 over two years

Award Status:


Mid-October to early November - check with the UBC department or unit of interest regarding internal deadline



In keeping with the original spirit of the Killam Endowments, the goal of the fellowship is to bring outstanding junior researchers to the University of British Columbia. As such, applicants:
must have obtained a PhD no more than 24 months prior to the anticipated fellowship start date
must not have pursued PhD-level studies at any campus of the University of British Columbia
must not currently hold faculty positions at other universities or colleges
must be able to contribute fresh intellectual insights to UBC
should have shown outstanding ability in research, in that they would be likely to contribute to the advancement of learning or to win distinction in their profession
should not be one-sided, and have a sound character that complements their intellect
may be citizens of any country; though there are no restrictions regarding nationality of applicants, successful candidates must be able to meet all Canadian immigration requirements

Preference will be given to applicants who have not already held a postdoctoral award or fellowship.

Fellowships are tenable only at UBC, and fellows are expected to make the UBC campus their base while holding the fellowship, apart from necessary research trips (no more than three months in each year of the fellowship).

Fellowships starting in the 2013-14 cycle may not begin earlier than May 1, 2013 and no later than January 2, 2014. Most fellowships commence between May and October.

Prospective applicants who do not meet the requirements above may refer to the Killam Trusts for opportunities at the other Killam institutions or to the Post Doctoral Fellows Office and Office of the Vice-President, Research and International for other opportunities at UBC.

Proposed UBC Supervisor
The proposed supervisor must be a continuing faculty member with a tenure-track appointment at UBC. Proposed supervisors must make a commitment to supervise the applicant's research for the entire 24 months of the fellowship.


Permanent Resident


Degree Level:

Applicant Status:
Incoming Students

Evaluation Criteria

Applications are judged on the basis of the candidate's demonstrated excellence in scholarly work and independent research and their potential for making substantial contributions to their field of endeavour.

The adjudication committee will also consider the following:
the qualities of the research project (e.g., clarity, feasibility, suitability of location, proposed supervisor, and facilities)
the strength of the letters of reference
the fit of the proposed research to the host department or unit

Preference will be given to applicants with no previous postdoctoral award. Fellowships will be distributed as evenly as possible among the various disciplines, though the primary criteria are academic excellence and research ability.

The search is for candidates whose work is beyond "excellent" and whose research is convincingly innovative and ground-breaking. It is crucial to assert distinctiveness and to demonstrate to the committee how the candidate's work is exceptional.

In this very prestigious competition, the Faculty of Graduate Studies receives over 40 nominations each year (pre-screened by individual departments and units from a much larger number of applications).


Application Procedures:

An applicant completes an application form and submits all required documents to the UBC department or unit under whose supervision the applicant plans to complete their research. Each UBC department or unit sets its own deadline for receipt of applications.

The Guidelines for Applicants and the application form will be available online in mid-August 2012.

Nomination Procedures:

Each UBC department convenes a committee to review and rank all the Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellowship application packages received. Each department may nominate ONE applicant to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for consideration in the university-wide competition. The Faculty of Graduate Studies must receive completed nomination packages, including all supporting documents, by 4:00 PM on Friday, November 23, 2012.

Дедлайн 23 ноября 2012
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Старый 13.08.2012, 16:14   #213
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
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Atsumi International Scholarship for PhD Students, Japan
Atsumi International Scholarship for PhD Students, Japan

-A student from the world over with non-Japanese nationality who is enrolled in a graduate school in the Kanto area, and who is expecting to obtain his/her Ph.D. within the term of the AISF scholarship. This includes those who are enrolled in graduate school as researchers because of their going over the required period as a regular student, or because of their obtaining their Ph.D. from a foreign graduate school
-A student whose graduate school (or laboratory) and place of residence are in the Kanto area (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama , Chiba, Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma Prefectures)
-A student who is interested in international understanding and friendship, and willing to participate in AISF sponsored activities.

Scholarship Description: Atsumi International Scholarship Foundation (AISF) offers scholarship to Ph.D candidates enrolled in the graduate schools located in the Kanto area in Japan.scholarship recipients are expected to visit the AISF office monthly to receive their scholarship stipend, and to report their progress. AISF will sponsor gatherings which will give all recipients a chance to meet the directors, trustees and members of the selection committee. At the end of the academic year, recipients are also expected to report their progress at such a gathering. AISF will sponsor a three day Rest and Relaxation Trip to Karuizawa in July. Travel Grant for post-AISF students with Ph.D. Any Atsumi scholarship recipient who is awarded a PhD., will be eligible for a travel grant. This grant will cover transportation, lodging, and registration fees to attend a conference held abroad within one year of the recipient being awarded his/her Ph.D. If one lives abroad, the grant can be used to visit Japan.The monthly stipend will be 200,000 yen. AISF will award the scholarship to 12 students since 2000 fiscal year. A scholarship will be awarded for one year (April through March). No extension will be granted.

Дедлайн 30 сентября 2012
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Старый 13.08.2012, 16:17   #214
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
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International Project Grants for Women, USA
Дедлайн 15 декабря 2012
Тип файла: pdf IPGApplicationInstructions.pdf (279.5 Кб, 5 просмотров)
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Старый 13.08.2012, 20:35   #215
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
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South–North PhD Sandwich Scholarship for Visiting PhD Students from Developing Countries, Germany
Дедлайн 29 сентября 2012
Тип файла: pdf 1_-_FSC_Scholarship_Announcement_-_PhDSdw_S-S_-_2013.pdf (193.6 Кб, 0 просмотров)
watteau вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 13.08.2012, 20:40   #216
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
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Postgraduate Stipend Program at European School of Visual Arts, France
Document and contemporary art

Launched in October 2010 at the initiative of the European School of Visual Art, the post-graduate program Document and Contemporary Art, in partnership with the École nationale supérieure d’art de Bourges, is open to art or film students, young curators or art critics seeking to prolong their studies through a year of experimental inquiry at the crossroads of the document and contemporary art, irrespective of media or technique. The aim of the post-graduate program is to foster theoretical and practical reflection on the function of the document and the archive in the field of art and the social world. The program’s first two years focused on the performative dimension of the document. What is the document’s function ? How can it be activated ? What, in turn, can it activate ? Can one speak of “performative documents” ?

Over the course of its third year, the research program will focus more particularly on translation, in the broadest sense of the term, as an agent of a document’s activation and transformation. If it is not to remain inert, a document has to be activated, inscribed in a new context of appearance – that is, translated in some expanded sense, not merely from one language to another but between one medium and another.

The program’s activities are concentrated into monthly one-week sessions. These sessions take the form of a seminar, structured around the presentations of invited artists, theorists or curators.

2012-13 will be organized nomadically, favoring mobility. Subject to final confirmation, program sessions will be held in Poitiers, Madrid, Bourges, Angoulême, Lausanne, Los Angeles and Beirut.

An annual journal, Cahiers du post-diplôme, bears witness to the program’s activities by bringing together the participating artists’ work and the contributions of the invited artists. An exhibition focusing on performative documents is scheduled at La Box gallery (Bourges) in early 2013 in the framework of an open invitation to the post-graduate program. A partnership with CalArts (California Institute of the Arts, Valencia), more specifically with the Film and Critical Studies departments, will be continued this year in the form of a joint seminar.

The program’s recruitment is international. English is the principal working language.
The post-graduate program provides a theoretical and practical platform in the perspective of defining and proposing original modes of research in art. As debates, practices and partnerships develop over the intermediate term, the program is poised to evolve toward a practice-based PhD in artistic research.


Applicants should hold a national or international level-1 degree or equivalent (high-school certificate + 5 years of post-secondary study). Following a preliminary selection on the basis of the candidate’s artistic dossier, letter of application and curriculum vitae, applicants will be invited to an interview by a panel. The artistic dossier should include documentation of work produced by the applicant (texts, photographs, films, catalogues, articles). For film or sound works, applicants should select excerpts of 12 minutes maximum. The letter of application (2 pages maximum) should present the candidate’s itinerary, past experiences and particular interest in the post-graduate program.

The post-graduates will have access to the technical facilities of the School and will receive a stipend of 4000 euros. The group will be made up of four young practitioners.

The artistic dossier and a letter of application should be sent by 5 September 2012. Interviews with the selection committee will be held on 17 September 2012.


Program director
Érik Bullot, filmmaker, professor at the École nationale supérieure d'art de Bourges.

Academic advisors
Stephen Wright, critic, theorist, professor at the European School of Visual Art.
Joan Ayrton, artist, professor at the European School of Visual Art.

External advisors 2012-2013 (pending confirmation)

Rebecca Baron, artist, filmmaker, instructor of experimental and documentary film at CalArts (California Institute of the Arts, Valencia), School of Film/Video ; François Bovier, film critic and historian ; Arne De Boever, theorist, professor at CalArts, School of Critical Studies, director of the MA Æsthetics and Politics ; Yann De Roeck, graphic designer ; Joana Hajithomas et Khalil Joreige, artists, filmmakers ; Aliocha Imhoff and Kantuta Quirós, curators, critics ; Ana Longoni, art historian ; Morad Montazami, critic, art historian ; Nora Martirosyan, filmmaker ; The Otolith Group, artists, filmmakers ; Suely Rolnik, art critic, psychotherapist ; Trinh T. Minh-ha, theorist, filmmaker ; Akram Zaatari, filmmaker.

Address :
European School of Visual Arts
134 rue de Bordeaux 16000 Angoulême

Дедлайн 5 сентября 2012
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Старый 13.08.2012, 20:47   #217
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
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Research Scholarship for Visiting Postdoctoral Researchers from Developing Countries, Germany
Research Scholarships for visiting postdoctoral researchers from developing countries

to conduct research at a national or international research institute in a developing country
(“South – South Research Scholarships 2013”)

The Food Security Center (FSC) is a university center of excellence in development collaboration at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. FSC is one of five excellence centers of the pro-gram “exceed – Higher Education Excellence in Development Cooperation”, which is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds of the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of Germany. FSC’s mission is to make effective and innovative scientific contributions in research, teaching, and policy advice to eradicate hunger and achieve food security in collaboration with partner research and education organizations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and national and international development and research organizations. Thematically, FSC’s activities deal with issues of sustainable food availability, food access, food use, and food utilization. More information is available from www.foodsecurity.de.

Description of South – South Research Scholarship 2013

FSC seeks up to three visiting postdoctoral researchers from developing countries for a period of four months in 2013. The Center wishes to attract young innovative professionals. The scholarship aims at increasing their previously gained scientific knowledge and skills relevant to food security related issues. The successful candidate will collaborate with the research staff of one of FSC’s partner uni-versities or an other research center or development organization located in a developing country (e.g., one of the centers of the CGIAR) to conduct a specific research project contributing to the mis-sion of FSC.

Funding for research is expected to be provided by the applicant’s and/or supervisor’s institute and/or other organizations. The objective of the collaborations is to write at least one joint, peer-reviewed publication. Candidates should present their research work at the partners’ seminars, lecture series and/or workshops. They are also expected to engage in teaching and training activities related to the research topic in the partner institute at the graduate and/or postgraduate level at a limited scale.
Interregional South-South collaborations (e.g., from Africa to Latin America, or from Latin America to Asia) are encouraged in particular.
Furthermore, FSC aims at establishing an active, long-lasting collaboration with the supported re-searchers and their home institutes through an interactive alumni-network.

The scholarship is awarded for a stay at a partner institute, research center, or development organiza-tion located in a developing country. The monthly grant is EUR 500 for junior postdoctoral researchers and EUR 700 for senior postdoctoral researchers. Travel costs to/from the positions’ location will be covered. Health insurance and other costs must be paid for from the stipend.

Required skills

The applicant must provide proof of:
• outstanding study performance in agricultural, nutritional, natural, social, economic or political sciences, or related disciplines with specification on food security related issues with a minimum MSc grade of 2.5;
• PhD degree in agricultural, nutritional, natural, social, economic or political sciences, or related disciplines with specification on food security related issues;
• last academic degree completed no more than 6 years prior to start of scholarship
• track record of knowledge in the proposed field of study;
• plan to return to his/her home country / country of residence and institute;
• excellent proficiency in oral and written English.

Furthermore, the applicant must:
• be able to conduct innovative research;
• have excellent interpersonal skills and team spirit;
• be able and willing to work well in an interdisciplinary, multicultural environment with individu-als from different scientific, societal and cultural backgrounds and with organizations from the public, private and civil society sector;
• be available for the entire period of the research stay of 4 months in 2013;
• be a national of a developing country according to OECD DAC list.


Application is only possible by completing FSC’s application form, which can be down-loaded from www.foodsecurity.de. Besides the application form, the documents indicated in the application form are required for the application.

Applications will only be accepted, if the research proposal is based on FSC’s conceptual framework.

The deadline for the application is September 29, 2012.

FSC will confirm the receipt of all (complete) applications (i.e., if an application is not complete or not in the described format, FSC will not consider it and will not confirm receipt of the application).

The selection of the candidates will be in the beginning of December 2012, the scholarship program will start anytime in 2013, based on the agreement between supervisor of the hosting institute and the scholar.

All accepted applications will be selected according to the following criteria:
1. Fulfillment of announcement criteria (cf. “required skills” and “application”);
2. Quality of proposal and project feasibility;
3. Fulfillment of demands (e.g. of hosting institutes or emerging from collaborations with (devel-opment) organizations).

The selected applicants will be contacted no later than December 22, 2012. Please be aware that FSC will contact only successful candidates.

Дедлайн 29 сентября 2012
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Старый 13.08.2012, 21:38   #218
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
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Конкурс на стажировку для режиссеров, драматургов и сценографов, Школа-студия МХАТ, Москва
Объявляется набор на стажировку (Мастерская Кирилла Серебренникова)

Программа стажировки режиссеров, драматургов и сценографов (Мастерская Кирилла Серебренникова)

Школа-студия МХАТ объявляет о наборе в Мастерскую Кирилла Серебренникова режиссеров, драматургов и сценографов на двухгодичную стажировку в целях повышения квалификации по образовательной программе «Платформа/Школа». Школа-студия МХАТ заинтересована в молодых, но уже имеющих опыт специалистах, желающих расширить горизонты своего мастерства, интересующихся исследованиями в области нового театра, изучении современных постановочных технологий и многообразия культурного опыта XXI века.
Обучение производится на базе Школы-студии МХАТ, проекта Кирилла Серебренникова «Платформа» в Центре современного искусства «Винзавод».
Набираются 12 стажеров (по 4 стажера на каждую специальность) на конкурсной основе. В конце обучения (срок — два года) успешно окончившим программу стажировки выдается Свидетельство Школы-студии МХАТ о повышении квалификации.

Условия для поступления:
* наличие высшего профессионального творческого образования (для режиссеров — только в области театрального искусства)
* для режиссеров — наличие постановочного опыта, подтвержденного видеоматериалами;
* для сценографов — наличие портфолио;
* для драматургов — наличие творческого портфеля по специальности.

Граждане Российской Федерации обучаются бесплатно. Граждане других государств обучаются на платной основе.
Общежитие не предоставляется. Стипендия не выплачивается.

Для участия в конкурсе соискателю в срок до 31 октября 2012 года необходимо подать:
* копию диплома о высшем профессиональном образовании
* копию паспорта
* творческую автобиографию в свободной форме
* контактную информацию
* для режиссеров — видео (целиком, не фрагменты) поставленного соискателем спектакля на DVD или CD-диске (видео, выложенное в сети интернет, не рассматривается) и экспликация спектакля на любом материале
* для драматургов — несколько пьес
* для художников — эскизы, фотографии, видеоработы в любой удобной для соискателя форме.

Вступительные экзамены пройдут в два этапа. Результаты первого тура (по присланным документам) станут известны к 20-му ноября. В начале декабря прошедшие первый тур будут приглашены на собеседование-коллоквиум по вопросам режиссуры театра и мировой художественной культуры. Начало занятий — с января 2013 года.

Документы высылаются на адрес: 125009, Москва, ул. Тверская, д. 6, стр. 7 (с обязательным указанием: Школа-студия МХАТ, Мастерская Кирилла Серебренникова, для Руднева П. А. ). Документы можно также оставить на вахте Школы-студии МХАТ в конверте с тем же указанием.
Справки: + 7 (495) 692-32-91, pressa@mxat-school.ru

Дедлайн 31 октября 2012
watteau вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 13.08.2012, 23:01   #219
Gold Member
Регистрация: 16.04.2012
Сообщений: 1,218
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2 PhD Positions, TU Graz, Austria

Two 3-year PhD-positions are available at TU Graz, Institute of
Applied Mechanics in the field of fast boundary element formulations
for partial saturated porous media.

Required: MSc or diploma in engineering, applied mathematics, or

Screening of the applications begins at August 21st, 2012.

More information can be found at:
Uzanka вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 16.08.2012, 23:09   #220
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
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Конкурс научных работ "Глобальные перспективы 2012"
Российский совет по международным делам в сотрудничестве с Фондом Горчакова объявляет конкурс научных работ молодых ученых-международников «Глобальные перспективы 2012».

Сроки проведения

Прием заявок будет осуществляться с 1 октября до 22 октября 2012.

Призовой фонд

Денежные призы, годовая подписка на российский научный журнал, поездка на международную конференцию.

К участию в конкурсе приглашаются аспиранты, студенты, переводчики, преподаватели с 23 до 35 лет включительно.

лучшая диссертация в области международных отношений, защищенная в текущем году
лучшая индивидуальная монография, изданная в предыдущем или текущем году
лучшая статья по международной проблематике, опубликованная в российском или зарубежном научном журнале в текущем году
лучший перевод на русский язык монографии или статьи по международной проблематике, опубликованной в иностранном научном журнале

тел: +7(495) 225 62 83 (доб. 112). Куратор проекта: Ольга Рождественская.

E-mail: konkurs@russiancouncil.ru

Прием заявок 1-22 октября 2012
Тип файла: pdf Информация о конкурсе 2012.pdf (130.7 Кб, 15 просмотров)
watteau вне форума   Ответить с цитированием

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