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Старый 22.01.2003, 01:24   #1
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http://www.rsci.ru/grants.html; http://www.mrsu.ru/ru/sci/grant/; http://www.vsekonkursy.ruhttp://www.mrsu.ru/ru/sci/konkurs/; http://www.mrsu.ru/ru/sci/olymp/
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http://www.eracareers.pt/search/inde...k=search&idc=1; http://alfa.fct.mctes.pt/apoios/bolsas/concursos/

Конкурс проектов по ФЦП "Исследования и разработки по приоритетным направлениям развития научно-технологического комплекса России на 2014-2020 гг."
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Последний раз редактировалось watteau; 08.01.2015 в 19:59.
revinski вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 22.08.2012, 20:05   #241
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
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PhD, University of Antwerp
The Department of Accounting and Finance of the Faculty of Applied Economic Sciences of the University of Antwerp has a full-time vacancy (m/f) for a:

Doctoral student in accounting

The research position is funded by a project grant of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO).

The ideal candidate has a strong academic background in accounting and finance, including good research and statistical skills and an excellent command of the English language. A research master degree would be an added advantage.

The applicant is expected to conduct research in the field of financial disclosure behavior in an international setting. The research will be carried out in close collaboration with Prof. Walter Aerts and Prof. Tom Van Caneghem. The candidate is expected to enroll the university's Ph.D. program and to obtain a Ph.D. at the end of the project. A short project description can be found below. We offer a four-year position (with periodic evaluation), a net monthly grant of over 1800 euro, and a stimulating working environment in a lively cosmopolitan city.

For more information, please contact Prof. Walter Aerts (University of Antwerp) at walter.aerts@ua.ac.be .

However, applications should be sent by regular mail, and should include [1] a detailed CV including description of background in accounting and research, [2] complete transcripts of bachelor and master degrees including detailed marks, [3] a motivation letter and [4] (if available) results on TOEFL/GMAT/GRE tests.

The position is open until filled with a final deadline of October 1, 2012.

Short project description

We investigate intra-industry imitation in discretionary financial disclosure and management commentary. Imitation of discretionary reporting content and related reporting choices may be conceived as a rational response to discretion and related ambiguity in order to meet explicit and implicit industry norms. This issue is crucial in the current debate on a principles-based versus rules-based approach in the reporting standard-setting process. We will address the following research questions: (1) What is the extent of intra-industry benchmarking in specific discretionary reporting choices and which imitation mechanisms drive reporting conformity, (2) What is the impact of professional intermediaries (e.g. auditors, consultants) on imitation-driven reporting, (3) Which firm-specific factors (e.g. relative performance) affect the extent of benchmarked reporting, and (4) Whether and to what extent self-serving consequences (e.g. financial analyst behavior, cost of capital) of industry-based imitation in external reporting can be observed.


Prof. Walter Aerts

University of Antwerp

Faculty of Applied Economic Sciences

Prinsstraat 13

B-2000 Antwerpen


Дедлайн 1 октября 2012
watteau вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 22.08.2012, 20:23   #242
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
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Стипендии, Copernicus Center
Стипендии Николая Коперника: обучение в Германии

Участники программы смогут пройти полугодовое обучение в университетах Гамбурга, Мюнхена или Берлина, а также стажироваться в немецкой компании.
Требования к кандидатам:

В конкурсе могут участвовать студенты гуманитарных факультетов — журналисты, историки и социологи, а также учащиеся факультетов политологии, правоведения, экономики и студенты-архитекторы. Кандидаты должны окончить минимум два курса вуза и владеть немецким языком.

Оформление заявки:

Чтобы подать документы, надо написать сопроводительное письмо и объяснить свой интерес к этой программе, приложить имеющиеся сертификаты и дипломы и отправить на адрес университета в Берлине. Заявки на стипендию принимаются два раза в год. Последний срок подачи документов на летний семестр — 1 сентября, на зимний семестр — 1 марта.

В программе стипендий Коперника принимают участие три немецких университета: Университет имени Гумбольдта в Берлине, университет Гамбурга и Мюнхенский университет имени Людвига и Максимилиана. Обучение длится полгода. Стипендия покрывает расходы на транспорт, проживание, питание, медицинскую страховку, визовый сбор, а также расходы, связанные с зачислением в вуз. Организаторы предоставляют жилье в немецкой семье или в общежитии и помогают найти место для прохождения практики в международной компании.


Дедлайн 1 сентября 2012 и 1 марта 2013
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Старый 22.08.2012, 20:32   #243
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
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Грант для написания докторской диссертации, Польша

Программа, рассчитанная на полгода, нацелена на работу над докторской диссертацией. Язык написания диссертации — английский или польский.

Центр междисциплинарных исследований «Коперник» приглашает магистров принять участие в конкурсе грантов на проведение докторских исследований. Возможные темы: философия, антропология, теория религий, теология, история. Длительность программы — 18 месяцев. За это время кандидат сможет написать черновой вариант своей докторской диссертации.

Требования к кандидатам:

— диплом магистра в области философии, антропологии, теории религий, истории;

— свободное владение английским языком;

— научные публикации и участие в конференциях.

Оформление заявки:

Заявка должна быть отправлена не позднее 31 августа 2012 года по адресу info@copernicuscenter.edu.pl. В комплект документов входят:

— копия диплома магистра;

— примерный план докторской диссертации;

— резюме;

— список публикаций;

— сертификат, подтверждающий знание английского языка.

Дедлайн 31 августа 2012
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Старый 23.08.2012, 22:47   #244
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
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Doctoral program, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan 2012-2013
Дедлайн 30 августа 2012
Тип файла: pdf sch-fore-1011.pdf (115.2 Кб, 3 просмотров)
watteau вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 23.08.2012, 22:53   #245
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
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National University of Singapore offers Scholarship for International PhD Students at Research areas offered by the Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering, Singapore 2013-14
Дедлайн 15 ноября 2012
Тип файла: pdf Alexander_Von_Humboldt_Stiftung_31Oct12.pdf (48.2 Кб, 0 просмотров)
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Старый 23.08.2012, 23:00   #246
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
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Schlumberger Foundation funded PhD or Postdoctoral Fellowships in Physical sciences, engineering and technology for women from developing and emerging economies, 2013-2014
The Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future program, launched in 2004, awards fellowships to women from developing and emerging economies to pursue PhD or post-doctoral studies in the physical sciences, engineering and technology at leading universities abroad.

The long-term goal of the Faculty for the Future program is to generate conditions that result in more women pursuing academic careers in scientific disciplines thus contributing to the socio-economic development of their home countries and regions.

The Faculty for the Future program is growing each year and has become a powerful community of 257 women scientists from 62 countries. Grant recipients are selected as much for their leadership capabilities as for their scientific talents. Ultimately they are expected to return to their home countries to continue their academic careers, to further their research, to teach and to become inspirational role models for other young women.

Faculty for the Future grants are based on actual costs up to a maximum of USD 50,000 per year and may be renewed through to completion of studies subject to performance, self-evaluation, and recommendations from supervisors.

Candidates should have applied to, have been admitted to, or be currently enrolled in a university abroad when submitting their Faculty for the Future grant application. Candidates must hold an excellent academic record and be able to evidence their commitment to teaching, research or using science in public policy advocacy. Candidates should demonstrate leadership skills and have a track record in encouraging young women into the sciences.

Дедлайн 10 сентября 2012
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Старый 23.08.2012, 23:03   #247
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
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Cambridge Commonwealth Trust and the Cambridge Overseas Trust offered scholarship for international undergraduate students at University of Cambridge, UK 2013
These are guidelines on eligibility for scholarships from the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust and the Cambridge Overseas Trust:

• Applicants may be of any nationality except that of the United Kingdom (including the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man) and except that of any member state of the European Union.
• Applicants must be liable to pay University fees at the Overseas Rate. To find out more about your fee status, see information for undergraduates and for postgraduates.
• If you are an applicant from the UK or EU, see separate information for undergraduates and postgraduates.


The Trusts do not accept applications from students who are part-way through a course at Cambridge, unless they are applying for funding towards a higher degree course following graduation.

Degree level
• Applicants must be intending to start a course at the level of BA, BAaff, taught postgraduate (such as MPhil, MASt, LLM), and research postgraduate (such as PhD).
• The Trusts will not normally support students at a degree level that is the same as, or lower than, a degree they already hold, with two exceptions - we will consider an application from a student who is required to take a second Masters at Cambridge in order to gain admission to the PhD here, or from a student who is proposing to study as an affiliated student at Cambridge for a second BA (lasting two years).
• The Trusts do not have scholarships available for post-doctoral positions.
• The Trusts do not have scholarships available for part-time postgraduate degrees. Part-time undergraduate study is not available at Cambridge.


Applicants may study any subject currently available at the University.

Application and Admission
• Applicants must be admitted to the University of Cambridge through the normal academic procedures. The Trusts have no role in the admission of applicants to study at the University, and are not able to influence the chances of an applicant being offered a place.
• The University sets minimum standards – check the requirements for undergraduates and for postgraduates.
• Check the information on application deadlines for undergraduates and postgraduates.
• Applicants are encouraged to meet the entry requirements of the University as early as possible, including (if necessary) the completion of an English language test. This will help to prevent the Trusts from offering valuable scholarships to students who are ultimately unable to take up their places at Cambridge.
• Applicants are also encouraged to read the Key points for undergraduate applicants or Key points for postgraduate applicants.

• The Trusts are committed to equality of opportunity, and no applicant will be treated less favourably than another on the grounds of gender (including gender reassignment), marital or parental status, race, ethnic or national origin, colour, disability, sexual orientation, religion or age. The primary consideration in the selection of Scholars will be applicants' ability to meet the selection criteria for each scholarship.
• Disabled students who receive scholarships from the Trusts may be eligible for supplementary funding to assist with additional costs, e.g. necessary adjustments in the study environment.
• Some scholarships that are fully or partially funded by partners of the Trusts are allocated to students of particular nationalities. But no students whose nationality is non-EU are excluded from the Trusts' overall programme of scholarships.

Дедлайн 15 октября 2012
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Старый 23.08.2012, 23:08   #248
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
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Lizard Island Doctoral Fellowships
Two fellowships provide funding for field work by PhD students who plan to conduct field-intensive coral reef research at Lizard Island.


The Lizard Island Doctoral Fellowship and The Ian Potter Fellowship at Lizard Island provide financial support for field-intensive coral reef research at the Lizard Island Research Station by outstanding PhD students. Funding is for field expenses over one to three years; salary is not provided. Applications are assessed by a panel of Australian Museum scientists with input from external reviewers.

The Lizard Island Doctoral Fellowship has been funded by the Lizard Island Reef Research Foundation since 1984.

The Ian Potter Doctoral Fellowship at Lizard Island has been funded by The Ian Potter Foundation since 2006.

A single application will be considered for both fellowships.


For students enrolled at an Australian university, the maximum value of each 2013 Fellowship is AU$24,000 plus GST (AU$8,000 per annum for up to three years). For students enrolled at overseas universities, the amount includes GST. Overseas students may be awarded an additional $1,000 per year to contribute towards their higher travel costs.

Allowable expenses

Fellowship funds must be spent on bench fees at LIRS and other expenses involved in fieldwork at Lizard Island including travel, freight, and equipment. Fellowship funds may not be used for living expenses (including food while at Lizard Island) or for salary. The fellowship may not be used to support research or travel by the fellow's PhD supervisor or any other senior researcher except as outlined below.

Conditions of Award
The fellow must conduct field-intensive research at the Lizard Island Research Station (LIRS) for an average of at least 100 person days per year of funding. Most projects require at least one assistant so this usually means that the fellow and an assistant must both work at LIRS for an average of at least 50 days per year. Bench fees at the current applicable rate must be paid to LIRS for these visits. If an average of 100 person days per year are not used by the end of the fellowship period, an amount equal to the value of the unused days at the student rate must be returned to LIRS.
The first field trip using fellowship funding should not be planned to start before April 2013.
If the fellow's supervisor or any other senior researcher wishes to accompany the fellow on field trips to Lizard Island, fellowship funds may not be used to cover any of that person's travel costs. They may be used to pay bench fees for the supervisor or other senior researcher at the student assistant's rate for up to 5 days over the life of the fellow's project, providing that the senior person is actually assisting the fellow on those days rather than conducting his/her own research. Bench fees for any additional days spent at LIRS by the senior researcher must be paid at the current rate applicable to researchers and that amount may not be paid from fellowship funds.
Each year during a field trip, the fellow is required to make an oral presentation at LIRS about his/her research.
A progress report must be submitted each year, including details of expenditure and revised budget estimates for the coming year(s). Subsequent funding depends upon suitable progress.
Any funds unspent at the end of each fellowship year must be returned to LIRS unless the LIRS directors approve carry-over arrangements.
A bound copy of the Fellow's thesis must be lodged in the Station's library.

Selection criteria
1.Relevance of the research program to the Australian Museum's Science Research Strategy.
2.Acceptance of the applicant into a PhD program to undertake field-based coral reef research.
3.Stipend from a scholarship or other source for the duration of the Fellowship.
4.The applicant's academic and research record.
5.Evidence that the applicant has relevant research and fieldwork experience.
6.A project that is field-intensive, requiring an average of at least 100 person days at LIRS per year of funding.
7.A project that will make a significant contribution to knowledge.
8.Feasibility of the proposed research within the limitations of budget and safety regulations.
9.Substantial and efficient usage of LIRS.
10.Efficient usage of fellowship funds.
11.If the fellowship does not cover all planned costs, evidence that additional funding is available or a contingency plan for amending the project if it doesn't become available.

Preliminary applications

Preliminary applications must be submitted on the form provided (see link below), as an email attachment in Word or rich text format using the font settings in the original form.

Preliminary applications will be assessed against selection criteria 1 - 7. Highly ranked preliminary applicants will be invited to submit a full application.

Invited full applications

Full applications will only be accepted from people who have been invited to submit. Full applications must be submitted on the form provided (see link below), as an email attachment in Word or rich text format using the font settings in the original form. Use photographs and other illustrations only if essential. The completed form including any illustrations must be less than 350 KB.

Full applications must be supported by a letter from the head of the university department where the applicant will be enrolled. The letter must support the research proposal, including the proposed field work at Lizard Island. The letter must be sent by mail, fax or by email as a pdf.

Information for completing applications

To assist in preparing your application, please consult other sections of this web site to learn about LIRS facilities and the number of assistants you will need to bring to comply with the Station's scuba diving and boating regulations. Indicative costs for bench fees, travel between Cairns and Lizard Island, and barge freight are provided below for planning purposes only - please use these rates when preparing your budget estimates.

Budgets must be calculated differently by applicants based at Australian and overseas universities due to their differing tax status. Australian students can plan expenditure of Fellowship funds of up to $8,800 per year including GST. Overseas students can plan to spend only $8,000 per year including GST. Note that overseas students may be awarded an additional $1,000 per year to contribute towards their higher travel costs. International airfares are not subject to GST.

Дедлайн 28 сентября 2012
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Старый 23.08.2012, 23:19   #249
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
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University of South Africa offers Fully Funded Fellowship for Master, Doctoral, Postdoctoral, Research Students, South Africa 2013

Statistical Genomics, High Performance Computing (Physics Department), Topology and Category Theory (Department of Mathematical Sciences), Ecotoxicology (Chemistry Department), Superconductivity (Physics Department), Growth, Poverty and Macroeconomic Policy Analysis

Дедлайн 14 сентября 2012
Тип файла: pdf Chairs_15aug2012.pdf (184.2 Кб, 0 просмотров)
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Старый 23.08.2012, 23:24   #250
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
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Doctoral Scholarships in the field of Biomedical Science, Psychology, Medicine for international and domestic students at University of Newcastle, 2012 Australia

Дедлайн 30 ноября 2012
Тип файла: pdf Brain%20Repair%20and%20Rehabilitation%20-%20Rohan%20Walker.pdf (59.7 Кб, 0 просмотров)
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