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Старый 06.10.2006, 21:04   #1
Регистрация: 06.10.2006
Сообщений: 1
По умолчанию Рассказ на английском для поступления

Привет всем!!! очень нуждаюсь в рассказе/тексте для беседы на вступительном экзамене в аспирантуру на английском. О себе, о теме диссертации, о том, чем буду заниматься, зачем пошла и т.п. Помогите, пожалуйста. Наверняка у кого нибудь сохранился наверняка. Экзамен на носу- как всегда это бывает... help!!
Marihen вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 06.10.2006, 22:44   #2
Регистрация: 19.03.2006
Сообщений: 139
По умолчанию Рассказ на английском для поступления

О себе, о теме диссертации, о том, чем буду заниматься, зачем пошла
Так этого кроме Вас никто не знает. . Вы же не собираетесь про цели других рассказывать, а они у всех разные:-)
zubrilka вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 13.05.2009, 13:18   #3
Регистрация: 13.05.2009
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Помогите с составлением рассказа о своей научной работе. Может у кого нибудь есть образец как этот рассказ должен выглядеть.
goldrose вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 13.05.2009, 14:06   #4
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Аватар для VAR
Регистрация: 27.05.2006
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Hello, my name is Imyarek and I would like to tell you about my scientific work. It's devoted to the problem of ...

and so on
VAR вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 14.05.2009, 22:01   #5
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Аватар для LOVe
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Hello, my name is Imyarek and I would like to tell you about my scientific work. It's devoted to the problem of ...
Если это не самый первый вопрос, который экзаменуемый отвечает чуть ли не с порога, то здороваться еще раз и представляться не имеет смысла. Когда заходили в аудиторию, здоровались же, да и называли себя, садясь отвечать. Лучше сразу начать с темы I would like... Let me... и т.п.
Мне бы жить у реки, у спокойной реки,
Летним полднем во ржи собирать васильки,
Босиком побродить по тропинке в росе...
Но дала мне судьба скоростное шоссе.(с)
LOVe вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 18.08.2013, 19:48   #6
Регистрация: 18.08.2013
Сообщений: 8
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Проверьте, пожалуйста, мой рассказ
Let me introduce myself. My name is Olesya.
I would like to tell you about my scientific work. I graduated from the Omsk State Teacher’s Training University, in 2011 I received specialist diploma with qualification of teacher of computer science and wished to continue studying, went on for a Master of Education degree by program “Information science in Education”. I defended my final qualification work, “Realization blended learning in elective course “Computer graphics” on base of free software” and my Master’s thesis on subject “Distance elective course “Elementary web programming like instrument of development professional senior pupils’ self-determination”.
Blended learning uses the tools of the provincial learning management system (LMS) to teach and support learning in a face-to-face class.
The purpose of research Master’s dissertation consists in developing the scientific basis and methods of senior pupils distance learning to the basics of web-programming, the implementation of which will ensure the development of professional self-determination of students in the area of web-programming.
I think, in the process of learning to master I got much experience of research work.
In the process of my studing at the university I took part in some scientific practical conferences, such as: our Faculty’s “Information technologies in Education” (section “Content and methods teaching of Information science”) and common university’s “Person and nature” in 2011-2012 on subject of my final qualification work and of Master’s dissertation. Materials of conferences made public in collection of theses.
Also I took correspondence part in international scientific practical conference “Informatization of education: history, state, prospects” and my article “Working out technique of electronic educational resource in Adobe Captivate 5.5” was published in collected materials of this conference. Adobe Captivate is a program used to create interactive eLearning content and provide custom online training to employers or clients. My scientific supervisor is the doctor of Pedagogical sciences, professor .... She is a famous scientist in our university. And she will be my supervisor further.
Now I work at resource securing’s department of educational process at university. The main function of our department is development information and communication of educational environment at the University.
The subject of my future thesis will connect with e-learning, distance learning and blended learning. Also it will connect with learning in informational and educational sphere elaboration of electronic educational resource in suitable software. May be I will continue the subject of my dissertation work. I want to enter the post – graduate course because I’m very interested in science and want to contribute to its development. And I hope that my dreams will come true. Thank you for your attention.
Олеся_Жукова вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 18.08.2013, 19:59   #7
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Аватар для Hogfather
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Сообщение от Олеся_Жукова Посмотреть сообщение
Проверьте, пожалуйста, мой рассказ
Проверил. Не хватает артиклей в 8 местах, maybe пишется вместе, studying тоже пишется иначе.
DNF is not an option
Hogfather вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 18.08.2013, 20:13   #8
Honorary Platinum Member
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Сообщение от Олеся_Жукова Посмотреть сообщение
Realization blended learning in elective course “Computer graphics” on base of free software
По моему, не хватает of после realization. Но такие буквальные переводы русскоязычных названий громоздки и не очень удачны.Может быть, что нибудь типа Blended learning based on free software in ...?
IvanSpbRu вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 18.08.2013, 20:26   #9
Silver Member
Регистрация: 07.02.2013
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Я думаю хорошо. Я б струк уру предложений поменяла (после пред замечаний) но не думаю что э о критично.
Dr SG вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 18.08.2013, 21:25   #10
Регистрация: 18.08.2013
Сообщений: 8
По умолчанию

Спасибо. Так лучше?
Let me introduce myself. My name is Olesya.
I would like to tell you about my scientific work. I graduated from the Omsk State Teacher’s Training University, in 2011 I received a specialist diploma with qualification of Computer Science teacher and wished to continue studying, went on for a Master of Education degree by program “Information science in Education”. I defended my final qualification work, “Blended learning based on free software in the elective course “Computer graphics” and my Master’s thesis on subject “Distance elective course “Elementary web programming” like instrument of development professional senior pupils’ self-determination”.
Blended learning uses the tools of the provincial learning management system (LMS) to teach and support learning in a face-to-face class.
The purpose of research Master’s dissertation consists in developing the scientific basis and methods of senior pupils distance learning to the basics of web-programming, the implementation of which will ensure the development of students’ professional self-determination in the area of web-programming.
I think, in the process of learning to master I got much experience of research work.
In the process of my studying at the university I took part in some scientific practical conferences, such as: our Faculty’s “Information technologies in Education” (section “Content and methods teaching of Information science”) and common university’s “Person and nature” in 2011-2012 on subject of my final qualification work and of Master’s dissertation. Materials of conferences made public in the collection of theses.
Also I took correspondence part in international scientific practical conference “Informatization of education: history, state, prospects” and the my article “Working out technique of electronic educational resource in Adobe Captivate 5.5” was published in collected materials of this conference. Adobe Captivate is a program used to create interactive eLearning content and provide custom online training to employers or clients. My scientific supervisor is the doctor of Pedagogical sciences, professor ... She is a famous scientist in our university. And she will be my supervisor further.
Now I work at the resource securing’s department of educational process at the university. The main function of our department is development information and communication of educational environment at the University.
The subject of my future thesis will connect with e-learning, distance learning and blended learning. Also it will connect with learning in informational and educational sphere elaboration of electronic educational resource in suitable software. Maybe I will continue the subject of my dissertation work. I want to enter the post – graduate course because I’m very interested in science and want to contribute to its development. And I hope that my dreams will come true. Thank you for your attention.
Олеся_Жукова вне форума   Ответить с цитированием

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