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Старый 20.01.2014, 05:47   #1
Регистрация: 20.01.2014
Адрес: Newark, DE, USA
Сообщений: 4
По умолчанию Приглашение на PhD и MSc в Clemson University (Computer Science/Applied Mathematics)

We are looking for an outstanding candidate for M.Sc/Ph.D. positions in the School of Computing at Clemson University. The candidate will be a part of discrete algorithms team. The candidate will work under the supervision of Dr. Ilya Safro on combinatorial scientific computing, network science, and large-scale optimization. Some projects include collaboration with national labs.

Both M.Sc. and B.Sc. candidates will be considered.

The ideal candidate should have a solid background in
- theoretical computer science, discrete mathematics, algorithms
- numerical methods (in particular, in algebra)
- C/C++

Some (academic or industrial) experience in the following areas will be considered as an important advantage (not mandatory)
- machine learning/data mining
- HPC and parallel programming/MPI/OpenMP/Hadoop
- optimization
- probability
- mathematical modeling
- graph/network libraries (such as Boost Graph Library, LEDA, and NetworkX)
- scientific computing libraries

Please send your application as soon as possible to Ilya Safro at isafro (at) clemson (dot) edu. The application should include one pdf with
- cover letter or/and essay
- resume
- grades
- contact details of 2-3 references
The subject line must include "PhD Application (CSC)". Any questions are welcome.

The School of Computing has 42 faculty members, more than 400 undergraduate majors, and over 200 graduate students collectively across its three divisions: Computer Science, Visual Computing, and Human-Centered Computing. Clemson University is located in Clemson, South Carolina, a small college town on beautiful Lake Hartwell at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, conveniently situated within a 2hr drive from both Atlanta and Charlotte. Clemson is the land grant university of South Carolina and has an enrollment of approximately 20,000. U.S. News & World Report has ranked Clemson in the Top 21 nationally among public universities, and Clemson ranks number 8 among U.S. public universities in supercomputing.

Ilya Safro
School of Computing
Clemson Univeristy
IlyaAtC вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 23.12.2014, 23:01   #2
Регистрация: 20.01.2014
Адрес: Newark, DE, USA
Сообщений: 4
По умолчанию Приглашение на MSc и PhD в Clemson University (Computer Science/Applied Mathematics)

New ad for Fall 2014

We are looking for an outstanding candidate for M.Sc/Ph.D. positions in the School of Computing at Clemson University. The candidate will be a part of the Discrete Algorithms team. The candidate will work under the supervision of Dr. Ilya Safro in such areas as machine learning, scientific computing, network science, large-scale optimization, and algorithms. Some projects include collaboration with industry, healthcare systems, and national labs.

Both M.Sc. and B.Sc. candidates will be considered.

The ideal candidate should have a background in
- discrete mathematics or algorithms
- machine learning, data mining
- numerical methods
- C/C++ (or Java), and Python

Please send your CV as soon as possible to Ilya Safro at isafro (at) g (dot) clemson (dot) edu. The subject line must include "PhD Application (CSC)". Any questions are welcome.

The School of Computing has 42 faculty members, more than 400 undergraduate majors, and over 200 graduate students collectively across its three divisions: Computer Science, Visual Computing, and Human-Centered Computing. Clemson University is located in Clemson, South Carolina, a small college town on beautiful Lake Hartwell at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, conveniently situated within a 2hr drive from both Atlanta and Charlotte. U.S. News & World Report has ranked Clemson in the Top 20 nationally among public universities, and Clemson ranks number 5 among U.S. public universities in supercomputing.

Ilya Safro
School of Computing
Clemson Univeristy

Последний раз редактировалось IlyaAtC; 23.12.2014 в 23:33.
IlyaAtC вне форума   Ответить с цитированием

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